Change how you see yourself,  set your boundaries, and be more mindful 

This book is for all the women who need a little “nudge” to step into their truth. These words of wisdom are from women who have made it through the storm of self-doubt and come out stronger because of it.


Please take the time to feel the energy within of each of these Truth Bombs – they may be simple, but wow are they potent!

Spill the tea, sister! What golden nuggets of wisdom 
would you share with your fellow ladies?

I am so excited to hear what you have to say, that I feel like a puppy awaiting my favorite game of fetch- tail wagging and all!

Give it to me Girl!

By sending me your advice, you give me permission to include it in a future Truth Bomb book! 

This book gives women of ALL ages heart-to-heart advice from other women who are reaching out to help them up.

Why did I compile these amazing words of wisdom?

This book gives women of ALL ages heart-to-heart advice from other women who are reaching out to help them up. Don’t get me wrong, men struggle with these issues too, so although this book is geared towards the sisters of the world… anyone can level-up and grow with these adept words. 

  • To assist women in owning their dominion?
  • To empower women to take up the space they deserve? To remind women they’re worth it?
  • To encourage women to shine their light?

All of the above and then some!

I’ve never been one who thought women were lesser than or second-class citizens to men, but I do know that we handle things differently and take things much more personally. 

  • weren’t worried about inadvertently stepping on a friend’s emotional landmines, but instead loved them enough to let it all hang out, no filter? 
  •  weren’t tiptoeing around an issue nervous about being too blunt? 
  •  were tired of seeing themselves or a friend ride the endless rollercoaster of déjà vu? 

Another hard question for your contemplation is, “What would it feel like to be completely comfortable standing up for what you believe in and not being worried that society will look down their noses or call you the dreaded “B” word?”

It’s a dance, but we haven’t been taught the steps, so we’re constantly in catch-up mode.  

Almost every job I’ve had has been in a male-dominated industry, so I’ve had to navigate those waters many times. Always measuring my comments and reactions against what would be acceptable by my male counterparts… can’t be too feminine and can’t be too direct. You know what I’m talking about! 

Ring Ring... Here's your Wake-Up Call!

What to expect if you ride this 
Truth Torpedo of a book

Welcome to the club of irreversible life changes! Brace yourself for the rollercoaster ride of permanent transformation as you dive into your Empowering Truth Bombs! Get ready to put on your reality goggles and experience a perspective shift like never before. With advice that hits you like a mic drop and a message that aims for an emotional awakening, this book flips the script on how you’ll view things. Rise and shine—it's time for a new beginning!


Slide into my Emails like a Smooth Operator!

Let me know if you’d like to be on my advanced reader team to review books before they are released to the public, click below to sign up!

Come aboard the fun train!

This book is curated comments from everyday women replying to the question – “What advice do you have for other women?” 

The advice always came from their hearts, but sometimes it was originally said by famous people.  In those cases, I gave credit when I discovered who originally said the quote. Let me know if I missed giving credit or if you prefer not to be showcased in this book – I will fix it immediately.